Looking for a Saviour

For centuries, human beings have sung and written about the wonders of the cross. Year after year, churches have celebrated this event called easter. This event is marked in every spiritual and commercial calendar. The supermarkets know when to start the marketing for their easter eggs and the bunny’s seem to be everywhere. If you do not catch yourself, you slowly find yourself becoming a spectator to the greatest event in history instead of a participator of this holy season. Ultimately the true meaning of the cross begins to be eroded from your heart.

Times may have changed but the wonders of the cross remains because Jesus Christ is still the only one found worthy to save humanity. From the old testament to this very day, all of creation has been in desperate need for a saviour. Time and time again, the earth shakes and the brokenness and fragility of life reminds us that we cannot save ourselves, we do not have the capacity. But christ does and He is enough.

When we do not look to the cross, we begin to find our saviour in things, in governments that fail, in our finances and jobs and in our family and friends. No one enjoys feeling like they need saving; it makes you sound weak and helpless. But the cross reminds us that weakness is strength.

This Holy season should not just pass us by as believers. It is a sacred opportunity to meet with Christ all over again. It is a sweet moment for the fragrance of wonder to be poured out on us afresh as we behold Jesus. If your heart has been far from Him, let the cross be a reminder to you of His love. Let the cross cover and protect you. Let the resurrection power that rose Christ Jesus from the grave be seen in every area of your life. Let the faith demonstrated in this week by Christ heal your unbelief. Let this holy week leading to the resurrection be an opportunity for you to receive His love and pour out your love on Him as you rend the heavens with your praises.

And to the person reading this who has not come to know the One who is love, I pray you accept this invitation to the greatest experience of peace you will ever know. I pray that as you ask your questions, you find every answer in Christ and He leads your feet to the captivating beauty of His love being poured out on the cross.

In your search for a saviour, I pray you do not look too far. There is only one found worthy and He has paid the ultimate price in a way no one has and can.


“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.”

Words by Mazino Malaka

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